ابحث عن طبيب

فهم الفرق بين الدولا والقابلة

4 سبتمبر 2024

When preparing for childbirth, many expectant parents consider the support they will need during this transformative experience. Two key roles that often come up are doulas and midwives. While both provide essential support, their roles and responsibilities differ significantly. Shawnee Health offers comprehensive doula services to ensure every birthing experience is positive and empowering.

ما هي الدولا؟

A doula is a trained birth worker who provides non-medical labor and delivery support to a birthing person before, during, and after childbirth. At Shawnee Health, our doulas are dedicated to making every birthing experience positive and empowering. Here’s how our doulas can help you:

الدعم العاطفي:

  • توفير التشجيع المستمر والطمأنينة.
  • Help manage anxiety and fear with calming techniques and coping strategies.

الدعم الجسدي:

  • Assist with comfort measures like breathing techniques and labor positions.
  • Offer non-medical pain relief methods like massage and water therapy.

الدعم المعلوماتي:

  • الإجابة على الأسئلة وتقديم المعلومات حول عملية الولادة.
  • نساعدك على فهم الإجراءات والخيارات الطبية.


  • تأكد من إبلاغ الفريق الطبي بتفضيلاتك بشأن الولادة.
  • ندعمك في اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة طوال رحلة الولادة الخاصة بك.

ما هي القابلة؟

A midwife is a healthcare professional who provides medical labor and delivery support to a birthing person during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Unlike doulas, midwives have medical training and can perform clinical tasks such as:

  • Conducting comprehensive assessments and physical examinations.
  • Ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests.
  • Prescribing medications, including controlled substances and contraception.
  • Managing labor and delivering babies.
  • Providing family planning, health promotion, and disease prevention services.

Key Differences Between Doulas and Midwives

Medical Training:

  • Midwives are medically trained professionals who can perform clinical tasks and manage medical aspects of childbirth.
  • Doulas provide non-medical support, focusing on emotional, physical, and informational assistance.

Scope of Practice:

  • Midwives can prescribe medications, conduct medical procedures, and deliver babies.
  • Doulas offer comfort measures, emotional support, and advocacy but do not perform medical tasks.

Role During Childbirth:

  • Midwives oversee the clinical aspects of labor and delivery, ensuring the health and safety of both mother and baby.
  • Doulas support the mother through non-medical means, helping to create a positive and empowering birthing experience.

Can You Have Both?

Absolutely! Many families choose to have both a doula and a midwife. The midwife handles the medical aspects of childbirth, while the doula provides continuous emotional and physical support. This combination can offer a well-rounded and supportive birthing experience


by Tarina Yates, Community Based Doula Family Support Specialist

Email tyates@shsdc.org for more information on Shawnee Health’s Doula Services


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