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Shawnee Health Care Future Saluki of the Game

October 31, 2017


Is your future child or newborn a Future Saluki? Register for a chance for your child to be the Shawnee Health Care Future Saluki of the Game! You will win a custom Future Saluki onesie and be recognized during a Saluki basketball game this year. Individuals will be selected to be recognized at each home Saluki Men’s Basketball game.


If basketball isn’t your thing but you still would like to support Saluki Athletics and get the custom onesie, simply submit a photo of your baby or your family to be displayed on the jumbotron.



To register, visit any Shawnee Health Care location, or send an email with the following information to


Name of “Future Saluki”

Full Name of Parent or Guardian (1) and Relationship to “Future Saluki”

Full Name of Parent or Guardian (2) and Relationship to “Future Saluki”

City or Town of Residence

Best way to reach you if you are selected.



Note: Only pre-born to one-year-old patients of Shawnee Health Care may enter. 


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