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سبتمبر 19, 2022

Addiction Recovery Month

تم النشر في مقالات بواسطة تسويق
سبتمبر 8, 2022

Each year, the Health Resources and Services Administration awards Community Health Centers across the country with Community Health Quality Recognitions (CHQR). These CHQRs are given to federally qualified health centers who have achieved exceptional growth in areas of access, quality, and services.

The US Department of Health and Human Services recently recognized Shawnee Health as a “Health Center Quality Leader” for being among the top 20% percent of health centers in the nation. Along with the Quality leader recognition, Shawnee Health received an additional five recognitions including:

National Quality Leader

Achieved top 20% overall clinical quality measure (CQM) performance among all health centers in the US.

Access Enhancer

Increased number of new patients by at least five percent from the previous year.

Health Disparities Reducer

Improved services for racial/ethnic groups within the southern Illinois region.

Advancing HIT for Quality

Expanded access to health information technology and improved telehealth services to allow for quick communication between providers and patients.

COVID-19 Public Health Champion

Shawnee Health placed in the top 10% of health centers that provided COVID-19 vaccinations or testing.

Patient Centered Medical Home

ال patient-centered medical home is a model that puts patients at the forefront of care. Shawnee Health implemented the PCMH model to improve quality and patient experience.


Shawnee Health was one of only four FQHCs in the state to receive six CHQRs. They would like to thank HRSA for recognizing them in these categories, and they are honored to be recipients of these awards!

They would like to extend a special thanks to their staff for bringing the best quality of care to the southern Illinois community.

تم النشر في مقالات بواسطة تسويق
فبراير 11, 2022

Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

تم النشر في مقالات بواسطة تسويق
يناير 24, 2022

Cervical Health Awareness Month.

تم النشر في مقالات بواسطة تسويق
نوفمبر 5, 2021

Shawnee Health Service welcomes two new leaders.

تم النشر في أخبار بواسطة تسويق
17 يونيو 2021

تم النشر في مقالات بواسطة تسويق
26 مايو 2021

عندما يتعلق الأمر بالصحة العقلية ...

تم النشر في مقالات بواسطة تسويق
9 أبريل 2021

تم النشر في مقالات بواسطة تسويق
7 مارس 2021

هل يؤثر الموسم المتغير على مزاجك؟

تم النشر في مقالات بواسطة ماجستير الويب
10 أغسطس 2020

تفخر Shawnee Health Service بالاحتفال بأسبوع المركز الصحي الوطني 2020 في الفترة من 9 أغسطس إلى 15 أغسطس. أسبوع المركز الصحي الوطني هو احتفال سنوي يهدف إلى زيادة الوعي حول مهمة وإنجازات المراكز الصحية الأمريكية على مدار العقود الخمسة الماضية. سيتم الاحتفال بأسبوع المركز الصحي الوطني 2020 شخصيًا وفعليًا هذا العام ، مما يرفع من مستوى العمل الذي قامت به مراكز الصحة المجتمعية أثناء القتال على الخطوط الأمامية لـ COVID-19 للحفاظ على مجتمعاتنا صحية وآمنة.


تقدم Shawnee Health Service الرعاية الصحية الأولية والسلوكية المتكاملة ، ورعاية الأسنان ، والرعاية المتخصصة لمواطني جنوب إلينوي بغض النظر عن قدرتهم على الدفع. مراكز صحة المجتمع ، مثل Shawnee Health Service ، ليست مجرد معالجين ، فنحن مبتكرون نتطلع إلى ما وراء المخططات الطبية لمعالجة العوامل التي قد تسبب سوء الحالة الصحية ، مثل الفقر والتشرد وتعاطي المخدرات والأمراض العقلية ونقص التغذية والبطالة .


While COVID-19 continues to exacerbate social and medical inequities across the country, Community Health Centers have stretched themselves to reconfigure services for those in need.  Shawnee Health Service has pivoted to serving our community through telehealth, drive-through COVID-19 testing with interpretation services on site, and distribution of emergency resources, while still ensuring our patients can access the medical care that they need.


Since its inception in 1971, Shawnee Health Service has worked to improve the health and welfare of southern Illinois residents through the promotion, development and administration of quality, comprehensive health and social services. Shawnee Health Service believes that quality health care is a right, and continuously strives to ensure that patients receive the highest quality health care without regard to age, race, religion, sex, financial status, or where they live.

تم النشر في مقالات, أخبار بواسطة تسويق

All Shawnee Health clinics are currently closed. If you need to get ahold of the On-Call Provider, call 618-519-9200, press option #1, select your “specialty” needed and follow the prompts for our On-Call Provider. If you are dealing with an emergency please call 911 or visit the ER.

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