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Chronic Care Management

We are ramping up care for our most vulnerable patients with Chronic Care Management.

According to the CDC, 3 in 4 Americans aged 65 and older has multiple chronic conditions (such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or arthritis).

If you or a loved one has multiple chronic conditions, you may benefit from Chronic Care Management (CCM) at Shawnee Health Service.

CCM Services May Include:

  • Communication with a member of your health care team on a monthly basis
  • Timely scheduling of preventive care services
  • Medication management
  • Education to support self-management, independent living, and activities of daily living.

Doctor and patient shake hands.

It is outside our regular operating hours and our clinics are currently closed. If you need to get ahold of the On-Call Provider, call 618-519-9200, press option #1, select your “specialty” needed and follow the prompts for our On-Call Provider. If you are dealing with an emergency please call 911 or visit the ER.

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