




The fundamental mission of Shawnee Health Service is to improve the health and welfare of southern Illinois residents through the promotion, development and administration of quality, comprehensive health and social services, while efficiently utilizing limited resources. This will include assessing and serving the needs of the underserved/vulnerable populations and designing programs and services which are culturally and linguistically appropriate.


為了完成此任務,Shawnee Health Service有四個基本原則。

  1. 提供全面,協調的以社區為導向的衛生中心和服務網絡,以響應服務區人口的整體衛生需求,包括綜合的初級醫療和行為衛生保健。其他專業服務包括牙科保健,精神病學,婦產科,婦產科,營養諮詢以及相關的社會服務。
  2. To provide a system of health and social services which are oriented to the specialized needs of underserved/vulnerable populations such as migrant farmworkers, teens, and the elderly.  Services include outreach, case management, education, protective services, advocacy, in-home services, and related support services.
  3. 促進,計劃,開發和評估新的和改進的衛生與社會服務系統,同時對現有提供者組織和機構保持敏感並支持與之合作。
  4. 有系統地追求此類其他兼容服務,產品或努力,以促進Shawnee Health Service作為組織的財務持續生存能力,同時改善服務不足/弱勢群體的健康狀況。


As Shawnee Health Service seeks to accomplish its mission, the following values will be maintained.

  1. 優質醫療保健是一項權利,應向所有人提供,而不論其年齡,種族,宗教,性別或財務狀況。
  2. 人人有權在收到的服務中享有尊重,尊嚴,選擇自由和保密權。
  3. 所有服務均應具有最高的質量,合理的價格,並應以最大的效率和及時性來提供。
  4. 服務應強調促進健康和預防疾病,並應對影響個人和社區健康的心理,社會,文化,環境和經濟以及生理因素敏感。

All Shawnee Health clinics are currently closed. If you need to get ahold of the On-Call Provider, call 618-519-9200, press option #1, select your “specialty” needed and follow the prompts for our On-Call Provider. If you are dealing with an emergency please call 911 or visit the ER.
