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Our Mission, Tenets, and Values

Mission Statement

The fundamental mission of Shawnee Health Service is to improve the health and welfare of southern Illinois residents through the promotion, development and administration of quality, comprehensive health and social services, while efficiently utilizing limited resources. This will include assessing and serving the needs of the underserved/vulnerable populations and designing programs and services which are culturally and linguistically appropriate.

Our Tenets

To accomplish this mission Shawnee Health Service has four basic tenets.

  1. To provide a comprehensive, coordinated network of health centers and services which are community oriented and responsive to the overall health needs of the service area population, including integrated primary medical and behavioral health care. Additional specialty services include, dental care, psychiatry, OB/GYN, pharmacy, nutrition counseling, and related social services.
  2. To provide a system of health and social services which are oriented to the specialized needs of underserved/vulnerable populations such as migrant farmworkers, teens, and the elderly.  Services include outreach, case management, education, protective services, advocacy, in-home services, and related support services.
  3. To promote, plan, develop, and evaluate new and improved systems of health and social services while remaining sensitive to and supporting collaboration with existing provider organizations and agencies.
  4. To systematically pursue such other compatible services, products or efforts which would promote the continued financial viability of Shawnee Health Service as an organization while improving the health status of the underserved/vulnerable population.

Our Values

As Shawnee Health Service seeks to accomplish its mission, the following values will be maintained.

  1. Quality health care is a right, and should be provided to all persons without regard to age, race, religion, sex, or financial status.
  2. All persons have a right to respect, dignity, freedom of choice and confidentiality in the services they receive.
  3. All services should be of the highest quality, reasonable in cost, and delivered with maximum effectiveness and timeliness.
  4. Services should emphasize the promotion of health and the prevention of illness and should be sensitive to the psycho-social, cultural, environmental, and economic, as well as the physiological factors which impact on the health of individuals and communities.

All Shawnee Health clinics are currently closed. If you need to get ahold of the On-Call Provider, call 618-519-9200, press option #1, select your “specialty” needed and follow the prompts for our On-Call Provider. If you are dealing with an emergency please call 911 or visit the ER.

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