


DAISY獎由DAISY基金會設立,以紀念J. Patrick Barnes(死於自身免疫性疾病ITP的33歲)。帕特里克(Patrick)和他的家人在病假期間從護士那裡得到的護理啟發了這種獨特的方式,感謝護士對患者和患者家庭的生活產生了深遠的影響。

肖妮健康服務創建了 蜜蜂 獎(ing E虛構的 E一天),以表彰我們的認證醫療助理人員。雖然DAISY計劃僅允許我們認可持照護士,但肖妮希望有一種真正的方法來區分和表彰我們的CMA員工。它們對於我們在Shawnee的護理模式非常重要。

Shawnee Health Service has announced its DAISY and BEE Award honorees this year.



It is our great honor to announce that Amanda Reynolds, APN received the 2022 DAISY Award.



Amanda is so special. She has such a good bedside manner. She listens and asks questions. I had seen Amanda in August and I had been in an abusive relationship. She calmed me down and called the police. They picked him up and Amanda sent me to Women’s Center. I had 4 broken ribs due to the abuse and she took such excellent care of me.”



SHS BEE獎裁剪徽標

Stacy Franklin, CMA received the BEE Award For Exceptional Nursing Support Team Members.



“Stacy is the most amazing nurse and that aside, an even more amazing human being. She has always brought me comfort and joy even when I have been ready to give up on myself. She has even extended herself to make sure my children are able to have diapers. I have never known her in life or even heard of her before I came here to free myself from the chains of addiction placed upon me and my family. She deserves this award and to say a person like her has never received the award is almost a tragedy. I would like for her to at least be recognized by my nomination for her. It would be a nice thought that I was able to give back something to a woman who has given me and I am certain so many others the hope, will and happiness to get healthy and not give up on myself. Thank you. ”


All Shawnee Health clinics are currently closed. If you need to get ahold of the On-Call Provider, call 618-519-9200, press option #1, select your “specialty” needed and follow the prompts for our On-Call Provider. If you are dealing with an emergency please call 911 or visit the ER.
